What is a DMEPOS/Medicare Bond?
A DMEPOS Bond / Medicare Bond is required by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services of all suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. The DMEPOS Bond / Medicare Bond ensures that the suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies will pay all unpaid claims, penalties, and assessments.
What is the current market for a DMEPOS/Medicare Clinic Bond?
DMEPOS Bonds / Medicare Bonds are written by multiple surety bond markets. The bond amount for the DMEPOS Bond / Medicare Bond is $50,000. Terms of approval and premium are largely determined by the financial condition of the health care clinic’s corporate and/or personal net worth, experience, and the needed bond amount.
How do I apply for an DMEPOS/Medicare Surety Bond?
- Complete our online DMEPOS/Medicare Surety Bond application, or
- Download and complete our printable DMEPOS/Medicare Surety Bond application, and
- Receive your surety bond quote in minutes!